
Big Life Journal: A Groundbreaking New Journal for Kids

Created by Scott & Alexandra

Big Life Journal is the world's first growth mindset journal for kids. It will inspire your child to dream big and make a difference in the world. It will help them develop life skills necessary for success like persistence, gratitude, self-belief, positivity, mindfulness, and much more.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Did you get your ebook/posters? + more FREE coloring sheets!
about 7 years ago – Sat, Jun 03, 2017 at 12:29:20 AM

How is it June already?? Hope you guys are prepared for the kids' summer break :)

There's A LOT to cover here so we will get right to it. 

1. Big Life Journal Hardcopies

Our journals are being printed as we speak. As soon as we receive them into the warehouse, we start shipping right away. We are on track to start shipping our hardcopies in July! 

2. Ebooks 

You should have gotten your ebook already! If you bought one and don't have it yet, please email me at [email protected] with the subject line "don't have my ebook".

3. Posters

a. We mailed out ALL the posters. So if you haven't gotten yours yet, please do let me know by emailing to [email protected] with the subject line "don't have my poster"

b. Two people reached out to us and said their posters got damaged in transit.. we are so sorry if it happened to you. Please reach out and we will mail you a new poster (with more robust packaging). Email me to [email protected] with the subject line "damaged poster"

4. More FREE growth mindset coloring sheets!!

The coloring sheets were a hit and we added three more to the list! 

You can get them FREE! We only ask if you could leave a star review on our website for either an ebook or a poster here: 

Please click here to review an ebook  (scroll all the way to the bottom)

Please click here to review for a poster  (scroll all the way to the bottom)

Once done, please email me to [email protected] with the subject line "coloring sheets" and I will send them to you right away! 

P.S. if you don't want to leave a review and still want the new coloring sheets, please email anyway :)

5. Whaaat?? More growth mindset freebies? 

And finally, the BEST part! We will be sending one free growth mindset resource (mostly, a printable) every Friday for the entire summer. If you would like to receive these resources, please click here to sign up



You can make any final changes to your order by end of Sunday, May 21st!
about 7 years ago – Sat, May 20, 2017 at 08:50:49 PM

We've been very busy over here! We already started shipping out the growth mindset posters!! It might take us a day or two to finish (that's basically our night time job now :), but please be assured that you will receive your poster(s) soon (if your ordered one, of course)! 


Last Call For Changes

If you have already completed your Backerkit survey - a BIG THANK YOU. You have until end of day Sunday to make changes to your order, should you wish to do so. You will still be able to update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping fulfillment.

If you haven't completed your survey, PLEASE DO SO NOW. 

You can always send me a message at [email protected].

- Alexandra

BackerKit surveys are out!
about 7 years ago – Thu, May 18, 2017 at 10:27:26 PM

Dear Backers,

Yesterday we sent an email with a special link to BackerKit surveys. Already ~50% people responded! If you are one of them - THANK YOU! If not, it is important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information for fulfilling your rewards.

Most importantly, at the end of the survey you will be able to download your EBOOK (if you ordered) and growth mindset coloring sheets. 

You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey, just click on the survey link, fill it out, and you’re all good to go! You will be able to answer questions about your rewards preferences, provide shipping information, and pledge for more “add-ons” (with exclusive Kickstarter prices) if you'd like.

If you decide later that you want to edit your survey response, you can go back to your survey and change it any time BEFORE MAY 21st. Then we plan to lock down the surveys for processing.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you will be able to recover your survey here:

If you use your Facebook login for your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you would prefer to use, please contact support at and we'll get you sorted out!

- Alexandra

What's going to happen next??
about 7 years ago – Mon, May 15, 2017 at 07:08:27 PM

Dear Backers,

Thank you once again for making our project a reality! Without YOU, this wouldn’t have been possible.

We know you are anxious to get your Big Life Journals, particularly, the ebooks and coloring sheets! So this update will tell you exactly what's going to happen next.

  • First, Kickstarter needs to transfer the funds so we have the money to make the orders which will happen in the next 7 days. 
  • Second, we have to find out where we need to ship the hard copies. We will be sending our BackerKit survey out to collect this information later this week.
  • Third, if you ordered an ebook, you will be able to download it at the end of the survey. Same for the growth mindset coloring pages; everyone is going to be able to download them at the end of the survey. 

We will give you a heads up before we send the survey so you can watch for it. It is important that when you receive the survey, you get it back to us as quickly as you can. That way you can purchase additional items, get your ebooks and coloring sheets as soon as possible. 

You do not need to make a login and password to fill out your survey, just fill it out and you’re all good to go! If you want to go back to review your info, just click on the link in your email again or input your email into our project page for another survey link.

If you prefer, you can just message us your info here, but we STRONGLY SUGGEST using BackerKit. You will have the opportunity to add ADDITIONAL ITEMS on to your current pledge and still take advantage of Kickstarter special prices. And you will help us make the shipping process SEAMLESS! This will help out our project tremendously, and help us get your rewards out to you quicker!

If you used Facebook to login to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey link will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. If you have another email you prefer it to be sent to, please message us. 

Again, thanks for all your support. We can’t wait to send all of you your pledges!



P.S. If you're interested in following our journey (how we get the journals printed and other "behind the scenes"), follow us on Instagram and watch our daily stories! Also like our page on Facebook to get access to curated articles and interviews about #growthmindset.

about 7 years ago – Fri, May 12, 2017 at 09:12:16 PM

This is surreal, guys!!! We made it to EACH SCHOOL on the donation list!! It's like the Universe conspired and made sure we donate to all of these wonderful schools around the world!


THANK YOU for promoting our project, sharing our link, telling you friends!! YOU made this happen!! You guys rock!!!! 

Congrats to all backers who nominated a school and will be receiving the donations!

Nominated Schools


We will be sending an update this weekend to let you know about what to expect next as our backer! Stay tuned! 

- Alexandra