
Big Life Journal: A Groundbreaking New Journal for Kids

Created by Scott & Alexandra

Big Life Journal is the world's first growth mindset journal for kids. It will inspire your child to dream big and make a difference in the world. It will help them develop life skills necessary for success like persistence, gratitude, self-belief, positivity, mindfulness, and much more.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

YES!!! WE DID IT!!!!
about 7 years ago – Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 05:56:12 AM

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! We JUST reached our goal and we could not have done it without YOUR pledge!!!!  

You made the Big Life Journal possible and we are forever grateful!!!

Needless to say we are in full celebration mode!! We still have 19 days to go and we will be donating 10 journals with every additional $1,000 we raise! 

The donations will go to schools nominated by YOU, dear backers.

So far we already have three schools lined up: 

Stateside Elementary, Jacksonville, NC (nomined by our backer Jacquelynn)

H L Johnson Elementary, Royal Palm Beach, FL (nominated by our backer Erica)

Saint Charles Primary School, Scotland (nominated by our backer Veronica)

We are so looking forward to giving Big Life Journals to these schools! If you are interested in nominating YOUR school, please comment below. The order of schools will be on a first come first serve basis.


We are so happy to share with you another great review we received. My favorite part: 

"Aside from the educational side and the growth mindset, this journal allows me and my daughters time to talk about real meat and potatoes. We really dig deep and share with each other. I'm learning that my 6.5 year old is beyond what I ever thought she could be. I can't wait to keep going and to get another book for my littlest."

THANK YOU again, and we are looking forward to get the donations going!


- Alexandra & Scott 

P.S. Let's spread the word to get the journals into schools! Please share our campaign on your Facebook page! :)



Already TWO schools will receive Big Life Journals!!
about 7 years ago – Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:17:12 AM

We made it to TWO schools!

Here is what we're doing: with each additional $1,000 we raise we will be donating 10 journals per school from our list. Schools are nominated by YOU! 

Below you can see the map with all nominations we received and the list of schools.

We raised an additional $2,000 and will be donating journals to these two schools: 

Saint Primary Charles School in Scotland nominated by Veronica

Stateside Elementary School in Jacksonville, NC nominated by Jacquelynn

The next school on the list is H L Johnson Elementary nominated by Erica. We have only $300 to go!!! Here is how you can help us get there: 

1. Increase your pledge (by clicking "manage your pledge") 

2. Share our campaign with friends and family. You can share this link: 

Nominated Schools




I just have to share with you this sweet review we received today. Here's my favorite part: 

"Well, let me tell you it has become a little bonding time for us now. After a busy work day I often get caught up in the after-school routines when we get home (homework, dinner, bath, etc.). However, this is now our time that we set aside to sit together and communicate - and it has opened up so many interesting conversations and insights! "How was your day?" is a thing of the past now!! I am so thankful for the Big Life Journal!!"

Here is the full review: 


Spreading Kickstarter love...

Running a Kickstarter campaign is no joke... it is basically a full-time job :). So we thought we would help out other campaigns by spreading the word.. Here is one which some of you might be interested in. 

DECCO the Toddler Monitor is the next stage of baby monitor. It is a cute and friendly motion sensor device designed to alert parents if their toddler has left their bedroom or safe space, and is on the move. It gives parents peace of mind knowing that they will be alerted if their toddler is in potential danger.





Ok, so we ask this every time but it really makes a difference. Please share our campaign on your Facebook page! And in the status update you should write that we're an awesome project! :) 



Interviews, reviews... & we need your input!
about 7 years ago – Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 10:10:13 AM

Hello :)

A few awesome things going on... read on! 

Almost there!!! + DONATING journals

We are ALMOST 85% FUNDED on the campaign! We launched one week ago exactly, and have been overwhelmed with excitement, exhaustion, and gratitude! YOU are making the Big Life Journal possible with your pledge, and we are so so SO THANKFUL!  


Once we reach our goal, we will be donating journals to schools around the country. So we need your input: if you have any school or specific program in mind, comment below! 

To learn more about the journal 

A few days ago I (Alexandra) was interviewed by the founder of Generation Mindful, Suzanne Tucker. We spoke about the Big Life Journal and particularly, how it helps kids develop a growth mindset. Click here to watch! 

Read this review!

Another 5-STAR review on the journal! My favorite quote from this review: 

"I'm super pumped and rather honoured that Jett asked me to be his Journal Buddy today! Week one was all about making a difference in the world. We spoke about people who make a difference in the world (and in his world), and how he can do the same! My heart just melted with some of his responses.... needless to say I'm pretty excited about this book and the journey we about to embark on. "

Full review here: 


Spreading love :)

At this point we are practically glued to the Kickstarter page 24/7... and we found some cool campaigns we thought you might like. 

Entrepreneur Kid: Children's Books about Kid Entrepreneurs 

Entrepreneur Kid is a children’s picture book series that showcases the true stories of real kid entrepreneurs and their businesses.

Helmsie's Not Your Momma's Alphabet Cards 

Helmsie's Not Your Momma's Alphabet Cards are reminiscent of the vintage variety, but with modern updates like S is for Selfie and Y is for Yoga. Hand drawn artwork and letters are perfect for learning and room decor!

Launch Ladies - A children's book about the Women of Space

Launch Ladies is a tale for tiny tots, introducing them to the badass ladies of space exploration past, present and future.


Alexandra & the team

P. S.

We are so close to our goal and being able to donate journals. Please share our project with your friends and family, every single share counts! 



about 7 years ago – Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 10:12:32 AM

Thank YOU so so so much! YOU believe in our journal and it MEANS THE WORLD TO US!!

It's been 3 days since we launched and it's been such an emotional ride! 

Special thanks to our friends and family for always being there for us and to Amanda, Colleen, Kevin, and Shaima who each ordered a 10-pack! 

We wanted to share with you an AWESOME REVIEW we just received: 

To read more reviews of the journal head over to our Facebook page here. 

and more importantly....

We are over 74% funded!!!

We NEED TO REACH OUR GOAL in order to be able to print the journals and get them to your kids! So if you know any other parent or family that could benefit from the journal, please forward them our campaign link:

Every single share matters A LOT!

Or click here to share on Facebook :)


Alexandra & Scott 


We would like to spread the love and share some amazing Kickstarter projects we thought you might like :)

SMORE Magazine

A comic style science magazine that explores our world and inspires girls to be their brilliant best. Recommended for all humans.

Click here to check them out! 

Alphabet Oddities


Alphabet Oddities is a children's poetry book about an Asian-American girl named Marika who loves science, dreams of time traveling, and makes up funny stories about creatures like vocabulary vampires who chomp on her favorite words and ruin her sentences, and a yeti who dreams of being famous even though no one believes he exists. Recommended as both a read aloud and for kids old enough to read on their own.

Click here to check them out!

MYnd Map MY Journal

MYnd Map MY Journal is the ultimate productivity and mindfulness journal to get you unstuck and feeling excited about life again. The journal is a source of inspiration if you've ever felt unhappy but could not put a finger on why. Perhaps you've forgotten how to, or don’t allow yourself to dream or even think of other possibilities.

Click here to check them out!